Docent - Teacher

How do I edit and approve my course information

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Log in to the Osiris Catalogue


Note the web browser you are using (Chrome is the recommended browser).

Go to and enter your U number or E number and password. Next, click on the “Login” button.

If this does not work, it can be reported to Ingemar Pijnenburg ([email protected]) or Erna Veneman ([email protected]) who will notify Osiris the central management of the problem. For this reason, please attach a screenshot of the error message to your e-mail.

Search for the course whose content you want to view and edit, and select it

Search for the course whose content you want to view and edit

If desired, select the language of the Osiris Catalogue. In addition to Dutch, English is also available.

You will now see all courses for which you are the course coordinator.

Using the action button at the right of the screen, you can assign rights to a different administrator. If the course coordinator also changes relay this information to Erna Veneman, [email protected]

In the first column, the number of remaining days until the deadline for the submission of changes is shown for each course. In the last column, you will see the name of the currently-known contact person or course coordinator. You can sort the columns.

If the course you are looking for cannot be found by using the default filter “Mijn cursussen” (my courses) then there are two alternative options to find your course.

  1. Use the search function at the right of the screen (magnifying glass icon).
  2. Use the “Totaaloverzicht” (complete overview) filter. You will now see a list of courses. Enter your search criteria into the search filter row. For example, enter the code, the name, or part of the name of the course. You can also search with a “wildcard” (% symbol). For instance, this allows you to find the “The Caucasus: Zones of Conflict ”  course by using the search term “%Conflict”.
  3. As soon as you have finished working on your own course (meaning that you have saved the changes), you will become the administrator of the course and can find that course using the “Mijn cursussen” selection filter.

View the information recorded for the course

On the screen above, the summary of the course information is displayed. The content has been copied from last year's course. The screen contains the following information point by point:

  1. General information about the course such as the name and the so-called “coordinating unit” (which determines the owner of the course) and the ECs. Most of this information cannot be modified by the lecturer. However, there are a number of fields that can be edited. See the next step: Editing the Course.
  2. Modes of instruction. It is possible to add or remove modes of instruction.
  3. It is possible to add or remove assessments here. For assessment information, please see the next step: editing the course.
  4. Lecturers. Staff members can be registered with their role (see Linking staff members to the course and assessments).
  5. Materials. Literature can be selected here.
  6. “Doelen” (objectives) have been formulated in accordance with the Assessment Plan and can be changed. “Inhoud” (content) is the description of the course content.
  7. Information about the progress and status of the input and approval process.
  8. Details. These links lead to detailed information on the relevant section. In order to change the texts, you have to click on these links.
  9. Back. This link takes you back to the summary page with multiple courses (see previous step).
  10. Browse buttons. If you have selected multiple courses in the overview screen, you can use these buttons to browse through the different courses. This way, you do not need to return to the overview screen to view or edit other courses.
  11. Clicking on the "Approve current step" button, approves the course description and content.

Editing a course

Which course information should be included in Osiris Catalogue?

Name: Description:
Field in Osiris:
Entry requirements

Requirements that should be met before students can enter this course. These requirements will be mentioned in the EER.

For example: 90 EC need to be obtained before a student can register for the bachelor thesis.

Entry requirements can only be created by Ingemar Pijnenburg. Contact Ingemar if you want to use entry requirements for your course. 
Prerequisites (optional)

No formal requirements but for example recommended courses or knowledge that a student should possess before entering the course.

For example: basic knowledge of mathematics

Details (Descriptive fields) Add descriptive field and/or change ‘Presumed foreknowledge’
Instructional modes

For example: lectures, working groups, practicals, discussion groups.
Optional: Use of weblectures: yes/no 

Details (Instructional modes): Change 
(Partial) exams 

Description of the partial exams and their weighting. Please note, all partial exams must be mentioned separately.

If you only register final grades in Osiris choose the ‘TENT’ mode of examination in OSIRIS. And use the descriptive fields to describe all forms of examination.

If partial tests are graded non-numerically (for example pass/fail), this should be described.

For example: written exam (50%), research paper (40%) & presentation (10%), attendance obligation

It is optional to include the exact weighting of partial results.

If you completely registered the exam structure in Osiris Catalogue, this information will be displayed automatically. If you didn’t do this, you should mention all test information yourself under:

 Details (Descriptive fields) Add descriptive field and/or change ‘Test information’

Entry requirements exams
If there are any entry requirements for exams (for example an attendance requirement) this should be stated. 
Details (Descriptive fields) Add descriptive field and/or change ‘Test information’
Duration of validity of the partial results
If partial results from previous years stay valid, this should be mentioned in Osiris Catalogue.
Details (Descriptive fields) Add descriptive field and/or change ‘Test information’
It is required to include titles and ISBN-numbers of books.

Details (Materials and costs): Add materials

Use the following fields:

Titel (sic.), Author, ISBN and Edition.

Only use the description area if you want to describe the book or if you want to clarify which chapters are relevant.

Course goals and content
In most cases, these fields have already been completed satisfactorily. Check whether this information is still up to date.
Details (Descriptive fields): Aims/Content
If applicable: Costs

If costs are associated with a course, this should be mentioned.

For example: mandatory study- or field trip.

Details (Descriptive fields) Add descriptive field and/or change ‘Specifics’

If you save changes, you become the administrator of the course. If you would like to close the screen and log in at a later time to work on the course again, then you can choose the “Mijn cursussen” (my courses) selection filter in Step 1: “Zoek de cursus” (search for the course).

On the left side in the field, there are icons that you can click on to move to a different component.

To edit the general course information, do the following:

  1. Click on the “Details” link for the descriptive fields (see the previous step) and scroll to the bottom. There will be a number of so-called “descriptive fields” (open fields), such as “Aims”, “Presumed foreknowledge”, "specifics" and “Test information”. View the content of the fields and change them as necessary.
  2. When you are finished editing the free fields, click on the “Gereed” (done) button. You can edit the course information again afterwards. Only once the whole course has been approved will you no longer be able to edit the course information.
  3. For assessments, use the “Test information” field. The information in this field must match the assessments that need to be created, or use this field to describe all partial tests if you register only the final grade in OSIRIS (See Editing assessments).

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Editing the modes of instruction

Editing the modes of instruction

To edit the modes of instruction for the course, do the following: Add one or more instructional modes (WV-1, WV-2 etc.) and edit the description and select the instructional mode type in the next step.
If you choose “WEB” under “Werkvormtype” (instructional mode type), you must submit a request to the Student Administration Office for web lectures.
Under “Inschrijven via Osiris Student” (register via Osiris Student), select “Handmatig” (manually), otherwise those participating in the course will automatically be divided into work groups.

  1. Click on the “Details” link for the modes of instruction (see previous step) and click on the “Change" or "Rremove" link. Check whether “Inschrijven via Osiris Student” (register via Osiris) is set to “Handmatig” (manually) or change it to “Handmatig”, otherwise those participating in the course will automatically be divided into work groups. If you choose “WEB” under “Type of mode of instruction", you must submit a request to the Student Administration Office for web lectures.
  2. If you want to add a new mode of instruction, click on the “Add a mode of instruction" button. When you add a new mode of instruction, you can choose from a pre-defined selection of modes of instruction. If the mode of instruction you want to add is not included, please contact Ingemar Pijnenburg. Since the selection of modes of instruction is managed centrally, it may take some time before this is adjusted.
  3. When you are finished editing the modes of instruction, click on the “Ready”

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Editing assessments

Multiple assessments can be registered to a course.

You can choose from two options for entering this assessment information:

  1. Entering the assessment information yourself. Experience has shown that this tends to be difficult to edit. Choose this option if you are familiar with this manual, considering the structure of your assessment;
  2. Contacting Ingemar Pijnenburg of the Education Centre. He will visit your workplace for an appointment to discuss the structure of your assessment (interim assessments, weighting factors, etc.) and to convert these into the format required to enter them into the Osiris Catalogue. This option may be preferable if the assessment has a complex structure, due to which entering information will require more search work than desired.

In order to calculate the final result based on the assessment results, Osiris takes into account the weight of the assessments within the course. The final result is a weighted average.

Results must be recorded for all assessments that are registered for a course, otherwise Osiris is unable to calculate a student’s final result for the course.

If you have assessments that you do not want to record results for, do not register these assessments in Osiris.

In order to increase results for exclusion criteria and pre-requisites for courses, such as attendance or participation during lectures, these can also be entered into Osiris. In these instances, you can opt to give the assessment a weight of 0. This means that the assessment will need to be completed in order to calculate a final result, but the result of this assessment does not count towards the final result (see Excel example “Inzet”).

In this example, “Essay 3” is weighted 5 times more than “Essay 1”.

The result of “Essay 3” counts for 5/11 (corresponding with 45.45 per cent) in the course’s final result.

The result for “Inzet” (commitment) is not weighted into the final result of the course, but results must be recorded for it in Osiris in order for the final result to be calculated for the course. A higher or equally high grade as the minimum grade for this assessment means that this component has been completed. A lower grade than the minimum grade for this assessment means that this assessment has not been completed and that Osiris will determine that the final result for the course is insufficient.

Some instructions when registering assessments in the Osiris Catalogue:

  • In order to determine whether a student has successfully completed an assessment, a minimum grade must be added to the assessment.
  • An assessment method is required for an assessment in Osiris, which can be chosen from a pre-defined drop-down menu.
  • You can provide the description of the assessment and the English-language equivalent (e.g. YouTube video, Exam part A, Exam part B, Quantitative exam, Qualitative exam, or simply Exam or Assessment if you only have one).You can also provide percentages instead of weighting factors, but these must be in whole numbers must sum to 100, of course.
  • As agreed, the study load must be equally distributed across the assessments. If the total study load is 6 EC and you have five assessments, then the study load per assessment is 6/5 = 1.2 EC. Thus, the study load for an assessment does not necessarily have to be a whole number.

From 1 July on, students will be able to register for courses. In the process, they will automatically be registered for the first rounds of the assessments.

If the exam structure of a course remains unchanged and partial grades from a previous years stay valid, it is possible to combine these results with partial grades from the current academic year automatically. You can only use this functionality if you don’t make any changes to the exam structure in Osiris (number of partial tests, assessment type, weighing).  

Adding a new assessment (test)

To edit the assessments for the course, do the following: Click on the “Details” link for the assessments. You will now see a list of assessments for the course. In most cases, this will initially be one assessment. There may be more later on. Click on the “Add test" button. You will be directed to a new screen.

  1. If you want to add a new assessment, click on “Add test". Using the drop-down menu, look for the assessment you need (TOETS-01 or TOETS-02, etc.), click on it, and then click on “OK”. “Tentamen” (exam) will be the default description, but you can change this, if desired. Enter the same description in English. Choose the assessment method from a drop-down menu again. You must enter a whole number for the weight (Between 0 and 100). These can be weighting factors, but percentages can be used as well. In the event that percentages are used, a whole number must be entered (between 0 and 100) and all of the assessment percentages must sum to 100 per cent. Please note that if you only have one assessment initially, choose 100. If you add an assessment later, do not forgot to adjust the percentage of the first assessment. As agreed, you will enter the study load under “Punten” (points). The total study load of the course will be equally distributed over the assessments. You will have to change this field as well if you add an assessment later on.
  2. When you are finished entering information on this screen, click on the “Continue" button.
  1. Now enter the result scale: choose “DECIMALEN”
  2. Enter the course blocks during which these assessments will be taking place.
  3. If desired, you can fill out the respective Dutch and English text fields for “Opmerking” (comment) and “Wat wordt er beoordeeld?” (what will be assessed?) This is not mandatory. If you change your mind while you are working, you can click on “Annuleer” (cancel). If not, click on “Ready” (done). Next, if you would like to register another assessment in the course, click on “Add test" again.
  4. When you are finished entering new assessments, click on the “Ready” (done) button.

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Change existing assessment

In order to change an existing assessment, follow these steps:

1. Click on the “Wijzig” (change) link if you want to change the information of an assessment. If you do not want to do that, click on “Annuleer” (cancel). Otherwise, change the information. You can change the description of the test, the English-language description, the assessment format, the weight, the study load, the minimum grade, the result scale, and the course blocks during which the assessments will be taking place. There are also a number of text fields available that you are not required to complete. Afterwards, click on “Ready” . If there are other assessments in the course that you want to change, move on to the next assessment.

Change the information of the existing assessment (for more information, please see the previous step: entering a new assessment). When you are finished, click on the “Gereed” (done) button.

Linking staff members to the course and assessments

If the course coordinator changes relay this information to Erna Veneman, [email protected] In order to add lecturers to the course, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Details” link for “Lecturers" and click on the “Change" or “Delete”  link. “Delete” means that you remove the person from that specific role. A person may occur multiple times, because they may have multiple roles. Using “Change", you can link a person to an assessment within a specific role (as well as remove them) by ticking or unticking the box.
  • If you want to add a new person or an existing person with a different role, click on the “Add lecturer” button, see picture below. When adding a new person with a role, you can choose from a list of staff members and a list of roles. The 'default' in this field is the role 'DOCENT'. You can change this role by clicking on the icon of the looking glass.

Then you can choose one of the following roles:

To decide which role is needed, please keep in mind the following links between Osiris-Brightspace and Osiris-Course dossiers system:

  • If you cannot find the person you are looking for in the list, please contact Ingemar Pijnenburg. Since the table with staff members is managed centrally, it may take some time before this is adjusted. Agreements have been made about the list of roles. You cannot link people with the role “Contactpersoon” or “Studentassistent” on your own. Changes should be sent to Erna Veneman or Ingemar Pijnenburg. Click on “Continue”. If desired, you can remove a person with a role from the assessments by unticking the box (or ticking it again if you change your mind).

When you are finished editing the staff members, click on the “Ready” (done) button. You will still be able to edit staff members later on. Only when the whole course has been approved will you no longer be able to edit the staff members.

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Editing the materials

Editing the materials

To edit the materials, do the following: The ISBN field is one of the new additions. If it is filled out, the content will be reviewed.

  1. Click on the “Details” link for the materials and click on the “Wijzig” (change) or “Verwijder” (remove) link.
  2. If you want to add new materials (books, readers, notes, etc.), click on the “Voeg materiaal toe” (add material) button. When you add new material, you can choose from a pre-defined selection. If the material you want to add is not included, please contact Ingemar Pijnenburg. Since the table with materials is managed centrally, it may take some time before this is adjusted.
  3. When you are finished editing the materials, click on the “Gereed” (done) button. You will still be able to modify the material again afterwards. Only when the whole course has been approved will you no longer be able to modify the material.

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Editing the content and objective

Editing the content and objectives

To edit the objectives and content, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Details” link for the content and click on the “Change”  link.
  2. Now, change the “Content" for the Dutch version as well as the English version. If there is only an English version, enter the English text into the Dutch field.
  3. Now change the "Purpose" for the Dutch version as well as the English version. If there is only an English version, enter the English text into the Dutch field.

When you are finished editing the “Content" and "Purpose", click on the “Ready” button. You will still be able to modify the content again afterwards. Only once the whole course has been approved, will you no longer be able to edit the content.

Click on “Ready”, even if you are not changing anything. If you exit the screen using <ESC> and go to a different component, the wrong pop-up window may open.

Approving a course

Approving a course

When you have edited all the fields and are satisfied with the changes, you can approve the course. PLEASE NOTE: once you have approved the course, you can no longer edit it ! To approve a course, do the following: Click on “Voorbeeld” (sample) at the top-centre of the screen and review the study guide display.

  1. Click on “Preview” (sample) at the top-centre of the screen and review the study guide display.
  2. Click on the “Approve current step" link. An information window will now be displayed, which will state that the course has been successfully approved.
  3. Click on the “OK” button.

Now, the course is still visible to the lecturer and secretarial office, but only via the “Totaaloverzicht” (complete overview) selection filter. If you approved the course by accident or changes to the course must be made later, please notify Erna Veneman at [email protected] or Ingemar Pijnenburg at [email protected].

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