A teacher can create a presentation template in his own ePortfolio and push it to students. Students can then fill the presentation with their own documents and texts, using the structure offered in the template.
In the instruction: How do I make a presentation in my ePortfolio? you can find the basic steps for creating a presentation.
After you have created a presentation you can use Pages to create a page structure that the students must adhere to. This can for example be on a year, by subject, by competence etc.
- Add 'blank' artifacts via Add Components. For example, a form that has not yet been completed, or a template for another document. The student can download these documents, fill them in and put them back in the presentation.
- Add text boxes via Add Components to give instructions to students. For example, to indicate that students still have to add certain items (text, documents, reflections, assessed assignments) themselves.
- This is an example of what the presentation template can look like. This template can be pushed to the students.