Docent - Teacher

How do I add a weblecture to my course?

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Add a weblecture

The Content menu allows you to structure your course and add course material like weblectures. You can add weblectures to a (sub)module and every weblecture will form a new topic within said (sub)module

Read the article How do I edit the properties of a topic and how do I move a topic? to learn more about editing the properties of a topic.

  • Go to Content in the navbar of your course.
  1. Go to the (sub)module to which you want to add a weblecture.  
  2. Click on Existing Activities.
  3. Click on External Learning Tools. This will open a new window.
  • Scroll down and click on Create New LTI Link.
  1. Enter the title of the weblecture.
  2. Place the link you have received for this specific weblecture.
  3. Click Create and Insert.

If you add a weblecture to your course, it will immediately be published and visible to students. It is possible to hide the weblecture after placing it ( for example if you want to edit it first).

Do you want the weblectures to be available for a specific group of students? Then set release conditions for the module which contains the weblecture. It is not possible to set group restrictions on individual weblectures.

Hide a weblecture

To view and edit a weblecture, you must first place it in a module in Brightspace. If you do not want students to immediately be able to see the weblecture, you can:

  • first place the weblecture in your Sandbox and add it to your course at a later moment;
  • hide the weblecture (Draft):
    • Navigate to Content in the navbar of your course.
    • Click on the (sub)module that contains the weblecture.
    • Click on the weblecture.
  • Click on the Visibility toggle, the weblecture is now hidden.