Docent - Teacher

How do I change the settings of my programme?

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  1. Navigate to the tab Programs.
  2. Select the programme of which you want to change the settings and go to the tab Settings.
  3. Change the title of your programme.
  4. If necessary, adjust the Language to Dutch, English, French, German or Italian. All fixed text in the TrainTool environment is now displayed to students in the chosen language. Note: The language you choose must match the language used in the other content in the programme.
  5. Enter an absolute start date if you want all participants in this programme to start on the same date.
  6. You can Allow public sign up if a student has not achieved an invitation. You can then send the link to the programme to the student by email. Note: The link will be available only after you have clicked on Save.
  1. Add Default coaches if you want to select the coaches that are designed to each student.
  2. Add Selectable coaches if you want to enable students to choose coaches (from the list) themselves. Check Require trainee to select one of the coaches if you want students to pick one coach or Allow trainee to select multiple coaches if students can choose more than one coach.
  3. If necessary, select a Reporting group.
  4. Check Enable peer feedback if you want students to be able to give feedback to each other. You can also enter an amount of Required feedbacks. This means that a student cannot complete a programme before receiving the required amount of peer feedback.
  1. You can add a Follow-up programme.
  2. You can add Programme Admins. They can manage programme users and their roles.
  3. Use the Certificate text option if you want to add a text to the certificate that the student receives after completing the programme.
  4. Make sure that Send emails and notifications to trainees is unchecked if you don't want students to receive notifications about their progress.
  5. Uncheck Enable post-training usefulness survey.
  6. Check Trainees can request extra attempts if you've set up a measure for a segment. Then a student can ask for a new attempt if something went wrong with the recording.
  • If necessary, adjust the text for the email that is send to students. They will receive this email if you invite them to join the programme.
  • Click Save at the top of the page to save your adjustments.
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