Docent - Teacher

How do I download evaluation results for the course dossier?

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How do I navigate to the correct course environment?

The course environment is a programme-specific section within Evalytics. Within such an environment, you will only find the courses of that programme. General courses (such as Minors) can be found in the general environment of the Faculty of Arts.

  1. Log in to Evalytics via
  2. In the upper left corner, click on the environment which you are currently in (in the example below: 'Radboud Universiteit, Bachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschap...').

A pop-up window will open:

  1. The environment you are currently in, is shown in blue.
    If you navigated here from the general 'Faculteit der Letteren' environment, you must first click the arrow to expand the list of programmes (see example below).

Finally, choose the correct programme/environment in the list.

How do I check the validity of an evaluation?

Please note: an evaluation with less than 5 respondents OR with a response rate of less than 20% is not considered to be representative, and is therefore declared to be invalid.

  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, verify whether you are in the right environment. If not, first follow these steps.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click 'Evaluations'. The list with evaluations of courses to which you are linked as a teacher (or support staff member) is shown. If you feel like evaluations are missing, verify whether the filter (top right) is set correctly, preferably to 'All'.
  1. Only look at evaluations with the status Finished.
  2. In the right column 'Response/participants', next to each course name, you can find the the number of participants (number of respondents/number of invited) as well as the response rate.
  3. Is the total number of respondents lower than 5 OR is the response rate lower than 20%? Then the evaluation was declared invalid and you will need to take these steps. If the evaluation is valid, continue to downloading the report.


  • 2/8 (25%) > INVALID because of the minimum number of participants
  • 6/33 (18%) > INVALID because of the response rate
  • 7/9 (77%) > VALID

What do I do when an evaluation is valid?

If an evaluation is valid, the evaluation report must be uploaded in the course dossier. After you click on a (valid) course evaluation, you end up in an overview screen of this course evaluation.

How do I download the report?

In the overview screen of the evaluation, you should see the following menu on the right-hand side:

  1. Click 'Results'.
  2. You end up in the results screen of the course evaluation. In the top right right, click on the button that says 'download report'.

A pop-up window will appear:

  1. Select the preset 'Cursusdossier FdL / Course dossier FdL'. All settings will then be set right automatically.

If you don't immediately upload the report to the correct course dossier, make sure to add the year (+ period) behind the 'Report name', because evaluations in Evalytics may have the same name throughout the years/periods.

  1. Download the report and save it to the 'Downloads' folder on your computer. The reports do not have to be saved, so delete them from 'Downloads' after you're done. Sometimes it takes a while for the 'save' screen to appear. The report is being generated, as shown by this message:
  1. To return to the programme environment with all relevant evaluations, click 'Evaluations' in the menu on the left-hand side.

You can now immediately upload the evaluation to the correct dossier (continue with the following steps), or first finish all evaluations within the programme (go back to this step).

How do I upload the report(s) to Course Dossiers?

Please note: you can only log in to Course Dossiers if you are on campus or connected to the VPN.

  1. Log in to Course Dossiers.

You should see the the following menu:

  1. Type in the course code in the search bar 'Search'.

It is usually enough to type in a part of course code, leaving out the prefix 'LET'. So if you are searching for the course LET-GESM4135, it is enough to fill in GESM4135.

The course code can be found in the list of evaluations in the programme environment (if correct, you should have once again ended up there after downloading the report, at step 9). 

Example: see the image below.

  1. Select the correct study year via 'Year'. For example, select 2022 for the academic year 2022-2023.
  2. Click 'Apply'.

Depending on how many times per year the course is offered, you should see one or multiple dossiers.

  1. Verify the year and course code.
  2. Verify the period as well, if dossiers are shown for multiple periods.
  3. Click the dossier; 5 folders should appear. Go to the folder named 05_Cursusevaluatie_Course-evaluation.
  4. You can now quickly add the report in two ways:

     9. Immediately after downloading, drag the file from the 'download bar' to the course file.


     10. Drag the file from the 'Downloads' folder in the Windows File Explorer.

Follow these steps for each evaluation that needs to be uploaded from Evalytics to Course Dossiers.

Report settings (if the preset isn't available)

In view of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and the people who have access to the digital Course Dossier, the report may NOT contain any lecturer questions. Pay close attention to which boxes you need to UNCHECK.

What do I do when an evaluation is invalid?

When an evaluation is declared invalid, no report will be available. It is important that it is clearly indicated in the dossier that an evaluation was administered, but did not lead to valid results. Therefore, you must upload the PDF file 'Course Dossier - Invalid evaluation' to folder 5 (this file can be requested via [email protected]). This file contains the following default note (in Dutch):

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