Creating a presentation
A presentation in Wooclap is called an Event. An event consists of one or more questions and/or slides. Before you can add questions, you'll first need to create an event in Wooclap. You can learn how to do this and which options there are on the Wooclap website.
Next, you can add questions and slides to an event. Wooclap has several types of questions and slides. For a more detailed explanation of each type, we would like to refer you to the Wooclap website.
- Word Cloud
- Open question
- Poll
- Timer
- Slide
- Brainstorming
- Matching
- Find on image
- Drag & drop
- Fill in the blanks
- Label an image
- Framework
- Whiteboard
- Rating
- Audio / Video
- Sorting
- Find a number
- Prioritisation
- SCT Judgement Concordance
- Script Concordance Test (SCT)
Editing a presentation
After creating your presentation in Wooclap, you can edit it. Log in to the Wooclap website and select the event you wish to edit.
Wooclap offers several manuals for editing presentations
Sharing a presentation with other users
After your presentation is finished, you can share it with other users in three ways.