A breakout room in a Virtual Classroom can be used to create a virtual space for groups of students during your meeting. You split your participants into groups and each group will get their own meeting. Here they can come together to interact during a set time. As lecturer you determine who joins which group, or you can let Virtual Classroom assign the participants at random.
Create breakout rooms

- Click Breakout rooms in the menu on the left.
- Click Create Breakout Rooms.

- Choose the number of breakout rooms you want to create. The minimum is two and the maximum is eight.
- Determine how long the session can last. When the time has passed, the breakout room will automatically end.
- Click Randomly assign to randomly assign students to different breakout rooms. You can manually assign students by dragging them to different rooms.
- Students who have not been placed in a room are listed below Not assigned. These students can be added to a room manually.
- Click Create. The breakout rooms have now been created.
Students will receive an invitation to enter the breakout room.
Students in a breakout room work together in a new browser tab. They are no longer a participant of the main meeting, even though they still have an open browser tab for the main meeting. The lecturer might choose to show a question on the screen, which the students in the room then have to answer.
The first person to enter the breakout room will be the default moderator. Other students can also turn themselves into moderators and give a presentation.
Once students participate in a breakout room you can no longer move them to a different one. If you want to move students to another room they first have to leave their current breakout room voluntarily. This way they will end up in the Not assigned category. Click on the plus icon in the main meeting and choose Invite to breakout rooms to assign the student to a new group.
Participating in a breakout room

- Click Join Room to go to the breakout room. A new tab wil open. You will see the question Do you want to join? Click Join to go to the group. Click the three dots icon and then Leave to leave the room. You can go to each breakout room and then leave it as long as they are open.
- Click Join audio to stay in the ain session and only use the audio for a breakout room.
- Behind Time Remaining you will see how much time the participants have left in the breakout room.
End the breakout rooms

The breakout rooms will automatically be closed once the time has passed. Students inside the breakout room can see how much time remains.
As lecturer, you can also manually close all breakrooms at once. Click Breakout Rooms in the main meeting nd then click End all breakout rooms.
When you manually close all breakout rooms, students will be removed from the rooms without warning. They can then return to the tab containing the main meeting.