Trim weblectures
Brightspace enables you to cut and paste specific parts from your weblecture so you can use them as a separate videos. This way you can easily remove the beginning, end and pause from a web lecture.
Weblectures are transcoded after recording. You can view the complete recording and publish it in your course, but you can't edit it. When it's busy, the transcoding might be finished overnight. At the bottom of the video you can see the progress.
Do you have any questions regarding the editing of your weblectures? Please send your question to [email protected].
- Put the weblecture in the desired (sub)module in Brightspace.
- Click on the weblecture.
If you add a weblecture to your course, it will automatically be published. This means the weblecture will be visible for students immediately. However, it is possible to hide the weblecture after adding it to a (sub)module.

- Click on Edit (top left corner of the window) to edit the weblecture.
- Click on the full screen button to view the weblecture in fullscreen mode (this makes the editing process easier).

- Click Trimming.

Isolating a fragment to use it as a separate video

- Drag the dot on the timeline to the starting point of the fragment you want to isolate. Another option would be to play the video and pause the weblecture at the desired moment.
- Click Start new clip here.
- Drag the dot on the timeline to the end point of the fragment you want to isolate. It is also possible to resume playing and pause again at the desired moment.
- Click Stop current clip here.
- The segment you just created will appear on the right side of the window.

- You can now choose Preview to view the new segment before you add a new video, or click Create a new video.

- If you leave the Video title empty, the name of the new video will be the same as the original video with the suffix "(trimmed)".
- By default, you will be redirected to the trimmed video as soon as it is available; if you however decide to create multiple trimmings of the same video sequentially, untick the checkbox Go to the new video to stay on this page while the trimmings are being processed in the background.

- If the server is busy, it is possible that you see a window stating Waiting for trimming task to begin.

- A window will appear showing the progress of the trimming.
- Once the trimming is complete, you will automatically find yourself in a window with the trimmed video.

- Click Edit to copy the link to the trimmed video and put it in Brightspace.

This new video will generate a new link that is different from the original weblecture. If you want to use the trimmed video in your course, you will have to add this new link to your course.

- If you go to the original video, you will also see the trimmed videos. If you click them, and then click Edit, you will also find the link to the trimmed video.
Isolating multiple fragments and pasting them
You can also use several fragments to create one video. This way you can cut out parts of the weblecture you want to use and fuse them together. This way, you can easily remove the beginning, end, or break from the weblecture.

- Drag the dot on the timeline to the starting point of the fragment you want to isolate. Another option would be to play the video and pause the weblecture at the desired moment.
- Click Start a new clip here.
- Drag the dot on the timeline to the end point of the fragment you want to isolate. It is also possible to resume playing and pause again at the desired moment.
- Click Stop current clip here.
- Then go to the starting point of the next segment you want to isolate and repeat the steps described above.
- On the right side of the screen you will see the segments you have created.
- If you click a segment in the timeline, you can make it smaller or larger. To do this, use Start current clip here, Stop current clip here.
- After you have isolated all fragments, you can choose Preview to watch the new video before you actually create it, or click Create new video.

- If you leave the Video title empty, the name of the new video will be the same as the original video with the suffix "(trimmed)".
- By default, you will be redirected to the trimmed video as soon as it is available; if you however decide to create multiple trimmings of the same video sequentially, untick the checkbox Go to the new video to stay on this page while the trimmings are being processed in the background.

- If the server is busy, it is possible that you see a window stating Waiting for trimming task to begin.

- A window will appear containing the progress of the trim. You can also cancel the task here.
- Once the trimming is complete, you will find yourself automatically in a window with the trimmed video.

- Click Edit to copy the link to the trimmed video and put it in Brightspace.

This new video will provide a new link that is different from the original weblecture. You have to add this link to the course if you want to use the trimmed video.
- If you go to the original video, you will also see the trimmed videos. If you click them, and then click Edit, you will also find the link to the trimmed video.
Retrieve and place new link(s)

- If you click the link of the original video in Brightspace and then click Edit and Trimming, you will see the videos you have created on the right side of the screen.
- Click one of the videos, then click Edit again and retrieve the link to the trimmed video.

- Click Link to this media to see the link to the new video. Copy it to use it in your course.
- Then follow the steps to publish a weblecture.

After you have added the new video, you can remove the unedited weblecture.
- Click on the fold-out arrow next to the topic.
- Click Delete Topic.
Do you want to delete a weblecture permanently? Then fill out a form to remove weblectures permanently. After this the link to the weblecture will no longer work!