Docent - Teacher

Which roles are available in Brightspace?

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In Brightspace roles determine which permissions are assigned to you as a user of the system. These permissions exist on two levels:

  1. You have a role at the general level ‘Radboud University’.
  2. You have a role at the course level (Course Offering).

General roles in Brightspace

The moment you log in to Brightspace, a general role (Radboud University level) is assigned to you, which determines your access to the different functionalities of Brightspace. This means that teachers have access to different menu items than students do, and functional coordinators have other permissions than teachers do.

Brightspace offers the following roles:

  • Student: this role is automatically assigned to every student that has a Brightspace account at the Radboud University.
  • Teacher: this role is automatically assigned to all employees of the Radboud University that have requested access to Brightspace in the Accountportal.
  • Institution Admin: This role is manually assigned to faculty (institution) Brightspace administrators. This grants them with permissions in Brightspace confined to their corresponding faculty. The institution admin has access to all the courses within the corresponding faculty.
  • Org Admin: this role is manually assigned to functional administrators of Brightspace.

Course level roles - from OSIRIS

The role per course determines which rights you have as a user within the course. This role can differ per course, but you can only be enroled with one role per course. For courses created in Brightspace via the OSIRIS link, students and teachers are added to a course via the OSIRIS link. These roles cannot be assigned manually in Brightspace.

The table below shows which OSIRIS role leads to which Brightspace role (last column) and what the associated rights are for each role.

Role Meant for Activities Originates from OSIRIS Comments Role in course in OSIRIS
Students Students
  • view course content;
  • take and submit  assignments;
  • collaborate.
Yes Participate in a course. Students are assigned their role based on their course subscription in OSIRIS.
Teacher Teachers
  • view course content; 
  • design a course; 
  • place announcements;
  • insert/create content;
  • create groups and enroll students in groups;  
  • assess students’ assignments;
  • switch course tools on/off;
  • change course settings;
  • send email to students;
  • add colleagues to the course in subordinate roles.
Yes Can add colleagues to the course in subordinate roles. CURSUSCOOR of DOCENT of DOCENT_Z_GR of DOCENT_NZ_R_LMS of

Course level roles - all Brightspace roles

Teachers (with a Teacher role) are added to the course through the link with OSIRIS. If the course needs Graders, Grader-Builders, Builders and/or Observers, the teacher can add these themselves. Read more about how to do this in the article: How do I assign roles in my course to colleagues and how do I delete users?

Role Meant for Activities Originates from OSIRIS Comments 
  • Teachers
  • Co-teachers
View course content. No
  • Not meant to participate in education activities.
  • Can only be added to the Department on request by the faculty's ICT support staff.
Department Observer
  • Teachers
  • Co-teachers
View course content. No
  • Not meant to participate in education activities.
  • Can only be Department to the course on request by the faculty's ICT support staff.
Auditor Members of Visitation Committee Viewing course content and viewing Student contribution and assessments. No
  • Not meant to participate in education activities.

Department Auditor Members of Visitation Committee Viewing course content and viewing Student contribution and assessments. No
  • Not meant to participate in education activities.

Student Students
  • view course content;
  • do assignments and hand them in;
  • collaborate.
  • Participate in the course.
  • Students are assigned their role based on their course registration in OSIRIS.
Observing Student Students View course content. No
  • This role is meant for students from other years who should still be able to view the course content of this year. 
  • Students with this role cannot hand in anything via Brightspace. 
  • Students with this role do not have access to the classlist.
  • A teacher with the teacher role can manually assign this role to students.
Dummy student
  • Student-assistants
  • Teachers
  • Support staff
  • view course content;
  • do and hand in assignments;
  • collaborate.
  • Gives teachers, student-assistants and support staff the ability to act as a student (in order to experience the course as a student).
  • Can only be added to the course on request by the faculty's ICT support staff.
  • Student-assistants
  • Teachers
  • Supporting  staff
  • view course content;
  • assess students’ assignments.
  • To assess, give feedback and grade.
  • A teacher with the teacher role can manually assign this role to other Brightspace users.
  • Student-assistants
  • Teachers
  • Supporting staff
  • view course content; 
  • design a course; 
  • place announcements;
  • insert/create content; 
  • create groups and enroll students in groups.
  • The creation and enrollment of groups only concerns ad-hoc groups, not the groups originating from OSIRIS.
  • A teacher with the teacher role can manually assign this role to other Brightspace users.
  • Student-assistants
  • Teachers
  • Supporting staff
  • view course content; 
  • design a course; 
  • post announcements;
  • insert/create content;
  • create groups and enroll students in groups;  
  • assess students’ assignments.
  • Combination of Grader- and Builder rights.
  • A teacher with the teacher role can manually assign this role to other Brightspace users.
Department Grader-Builder
  • Student-assistants
  • Teachers
  • Supporting staff
  • view course content; 
  • design a course; 
  • post announcements;
  • insert/create content;
  • create groups and enroll students in groups;  
  • assess students’ assignments
  • Combination of Grader- and Builder rights.
  • Can only be added to the Department on request by the faculty's ICT support staff.
Teacher Teachers

Grader-Builder permissions and:

  • switch course tools on/off;
  • change course settings;
  • send email to students;
  • add colleagues to the course in subordinate roles.
Yes This role comes from OSIRIS and cannot be assigned manually in Brightspace.
Coordinator Teachers

Teacher permissions and:

  • add users to a course with coordinator permissions and all subordinate roles.
No Not meant for courses linked to OSIRIS.
Department Admin Department administrators

Coordinator permissions and:

  • access to all courses within a certain department.
Institution Admin Faculty administrators

Coordinator permissions and:

  • access to all courses within a certain faculty (institution).
No n/a
Organisation Admin System administrators Unlimited access to system and courses. No n/a

When assigned the teacher role, you are able to preview your course as if you were a student. This allows you for example to test out what the course home page looks like and how a quiz is presented to students. There is a difference however between viewing your course as a student (view as student) and try out your course as a student (do as student). Read more about this in the following articles:

View as student
Do as student

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