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How do I create a meeting in Teams?

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Creating a meeting

Teams Meetings is part of the Microsoft application Teams and can be used to teach online lectures. Other functionalities in Teams are not used in our education. Files such as documents, submitted assignments, and recordings are stored and published in Brightspace.

Please note: Teams can be used as a desktop app or in a web browser. It is recommended to use the desktop app. If this is not possible, it is advised to use the web browser Microsoft Edge. Other web browsers might result in a loss of functionality.

If you want to use Teams Meetings in a lecture hall, please read this article.

  1. Go to the calendar in Teams.
  2. Click the arrow next to New meeting in the upper right corner.
  3. Next, click Class.
  1. Add a title. Make sure the title makes it clear to students what the meeting is about (for example: Q&A lecture 1).
  2. Add the required/optional attendees. You can add colleagues, students, or guests as participants. More information on the available roles in a Teams meeting can be found here. If you plan to share the link, for example via Brightspace, you do not have add each student individually.
  3. Enter the date and time the meeting will take place.
  4. Choose whether or not the meeting should be repeated, for example weekly (optional). This can, for example, be useful if you teach a work group at a set time every week and wish to use the same breakout rooms each time.
  5. Edit the meeting options (optional). More information on the meeting options can be found here. In the meeting options, you can assign someone a certain role before the meeting starts, such as co-organizer. This person needs to be invited to the meeting to be able to do this. You can only assign different roles to people with a Radboud-account.
  6. Add a description to the meeting (optional).
  7. Click Save in the upper right corner.
  1. Double-click the Teams meeting in the calendar in Teams. Right-click the link Click here to join the meeting and then Copy.

You can now share the link via the calendar in Brightspace or by creating a content item of the Link type.

Please note: the link also works at times other than when the meeting is scheduled. Paste the link in the correct location on Brightspace so that students can participate in the online meeting by clicking the link. If students click the link, they will end up in the lobby where they will have to wait until the (co-)organizer grants them access to the meeting. If you do not want students to have to wait in the lobby, you can change this meeting settings (Editing the settings of a meeting)

With Teams Meetings 10.000 users can participate, where the first 1.000 participants can use their camera.

Editing the settings of a meeting

Go the the calendar in Teams and double-click the meeting.

  1. Click the three dots at the top of the screen.
  2. Click Meeting options. (It is possible that the button Meeting options is not hidden by the three dots, but is already visible on screen.)

A new window will now be opened. Edit the settings to your liking and click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Deleting a scheduled meeting

  • Go to the calendar in Teams.
  • Right-click the meeting you wish to delete, and click Delete in the menu that appears.

Please note: the meeting link that was posted on Brightspace will no longer work. It is important that you delete this link in Brightspace too.

Next Article Using Teams Meetings on a lecture hall computer