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OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor
Faculty specific instructions
Faculty specific instructions
Updated on
May 01, 2020
Faculty specific instructions are published here:
Faculty of Social Sciences
Nijmegen School of Management
Radboud Health Academy
Faculty of Arts
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Where can I find the final grades of a course?
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How do I record an admission decision for not immediately admissible students?
OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor
Overzicht Osiris key-users
What is OSIRIS Teacher?
How do I log in and log out?
Coaching / Counseling
How do I find student information in OSIRIS Teacher and how can I use and change it?
Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
How do I register grades?
How do I sign my submitted grades electronically?
How can I update a grade I already signed?
How can I create a list of participants per working group?
How can I give all students the same result in one go?
How do I make a passport photo list of the participants in my course?
How can I create an Excel list of test candidates (to import results in OSIRIS)?
What are the requirements for an excel grade file to be read in OSIRIS Teacher?
How can I add a student to a list of candidates?
How can I upload a file with grades?
When is a result I have entered visible to the student?
What do I do when I have lost my phone of forgot my pin-code.
How do I sign results that have been recorded by my substitute teacher?
How can I find a course when I don't know the course code?
How can I access the grades I previously entered and signed?
Where can I find the final grades of a course?
Faculty specific instructions
Faculty specific instructions
How do I record an admission decision for not immediately admissible students?
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