In each video you upload to Kaltura you can add questions; that is how you can turn a video into a quiz.
Add questions to a video
- Click Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Kaltura My Media.
- Click Edit in the video you want to edit.
- Click Launch Editor.
If you are using a video from your computer, you will automatically navigate to the Video Editor. If this happens, go to the quiz tab first. If you are using a video from YouTube, you will automatically navigate to the quiz tab. The Video Editor is not available for YouTube videos.
- If necessary, go to the Quiz tab.
- Click Start.

Below Details, Scores and Experience you can change a number of settings:
- The name of the quiz.
- The welcome message that students see when they start the video.
- Whether or not students can download the quiz questions before starting the quiz.
- Whether or not students get an instruction before the quiz starts.
- Whether or not students see their scores at the end of the quiz.
- Whether or not students get to see the correct and incorrect answers.
- Whether or not students are able change their answers.
- Whether or not students are able to skip questions.
- In the timeline you can see where you are in the video. You can also scroll through the video.
- Zoom in or out in the timeline by moving the dot.
- With the triangular button you can start and pause the video. With the arrows you can jump back/forth to the last/next questions.
- Go to a specific moment in the video to add a question. Pause the video on the desired moment and select the desired question type:
- Multiple choice: A question with multiple answers the student can choose from.
- Reflection Point: The video pauses and a text will appear on screen.
- True/False: A question with two options.
- Open-Ended Question.
This is an example of a Multiple Choice question.
- Type your question.
- Fill in the correct answer in the box next to the green checkmark, and then add an incorrect answer in the box below.
- Click on the little plus icon if you would like to add more incorrect answers.
- Change up the order of your answer possibilities, to make sure that the top answer is not always the correct answer. You can change the order of the answers yourself. When you hover over one of the possible answers, you will see six dots appear on the left side. Click and hold to drag the question to a different position.
- It is also possible to add a Hint or a Why:
- Students can click on the Hint before they answer.
- Students can see at the end of each question Why the correct answer is in fact correct.
- Click Save.
- Click Preview to (pre)view the video.
- In the timeline you can see where you have added questions. Click on a question to change it or to Delete it.
- Click Done when your quiz is finished.
When you create a new quiz, a copy of the original will always be saved in Kaltura My Media.