Kaltura Capture can be used to record a presentation with voice-over on your computer. You play the presentation on your computer screen and speak the lines you want to add. If you wish, you can record yourself with your webcam simultaneously. When they play the recording users can choose how they want to view their work; for example next to each other or picture-in-picture.
If you only want to create a webcam recording, using the Kaltura Webcam Recorder might be a better option.
If Apple users use older versions of Kaltura Capture they might receive a notification saying there is only 1 GB of free storage. If you record regardless there is a large possibility that only a small portion of the recording is saved. That is why you need to follow the following steps to install the latest version of the application:
- Uninstall the old application by dragging the icon to the trash can (on Mac OS).
- Remove the Kaltura folder from: Mac OS: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Kaltura (if you do not see the library folder you ave to press Command+Shift+Dot to make the hidden files visible.
- Restart the computer and install the latest version of the application.
- Go to System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy tab->Screen Recording and make sure Kaltura Capture is enabled.
- Restart the computer.
- Start Kaltura Capture and check whether you can start recording.
Install Kaltura Capture

- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Kaltura My Media.
If you receive an Access Denied notification, you might need to allow third party cookies before you can use Kaltura Capture.
- Click Add New.
- Click Kaltura Capture.
- Click Download for Windows or Download for Mac to download the program. At the bottom of your browser you will see the download of the installation set up that you need to complete in order to install the program.
Go back to Brightspace after the installation has been completed.
- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Kaltura My Media.
- Click Add New and then Kaltura Capture.
Set up screen and audio channels
You can record two image channel and one audio channel.
When you use the default settings channel one will record the creen and channel 2 will record a connected webcam. Later, when a video is played in Brightspace, it will show the video on a large screen on channel 1 and channel 2 (the webcam) in a small screen in the right corner. When you play the video the viewer can choose their preferred layout.
You can change the channel seeting with buttons 2, 3 and 4 in the image below. You can turn them on or off by clicking the icon. If the channel is turned off, the icon will be grey and crossed out.

From left to right you will see the following buttons:
- Record button: use this button to start a recording.
- Screen button: the default connected screen. Choose another connected screen or camera or turn off the channel.
- Webcam button: the default connected screen. Choose another connected screen or camera or turn off the channel.
- Audio channel: Select which microphone you would like to use or record without audio.
- The bars underneath the microphone indicate how much sound the microphone is picking up.
- Manage button: with Manage you can adjust certain settings.
If you would want to create a presentation with just a voice-over:
- make sure channel 1 records the screen where you play the Powerpoint presentation.
- turn off channel 2.
- make sure the microphone is turned on.

Making a screencast

- Click on the arrow to choose a screen if you are using multiple active screens. The small screen shows what you are about to record.
- Select the desired screen.
- Select whether you want to record the full screen (Full Screen) or a part (Select Area).
If you only have one screen available and do not want the panel to be visible in the recording, you have to make the window in wich you play the presentation smaller and click Select Area.
- Select the size of the section you wish to record. You can also determine the size by dragging the corners of the grey area to make the area bigger or smaller.
- Move the grey area to the part of the screen you wish to record.
- Click Confirm.
Start and save a recording
- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Kaltura My Media.
- Click Add New and choose Kaltura Capture. Open Kaltura Capture.
- Select the screens/cameras you wish to record.
- Click on the red button to start the recording. Kaltura Capture will count down from three to zero and then start recording.

A red dot will appear in the Kalture Capture icon in the toolbar if it is recording.

The recording bar will appear at the bottom right of the screen.
- Use the stop button (square) to end the recording. Kaltura Capture will ask you if you are certain that you want to stop the recording.
- Use the pause button (red) if you want to pause the recording. Click on the button again to resume the recording.
- Use the delete button (cross) to remove the recording directly. Kaltura Capture will ask you if you are certain that you want to delete the recording.
- The timer shows how long you have been recording.
- Make this bar smaller by selecting the line in the top right of the screen. Select the Kaltura Capture icon in your toolbar to retrieve the recording bar.
After you have ended the recording, the Manage screen will appear.
- Add a title under Title.
- Add a description under Description.
- Add tags under Tags if needed.
- Click on Delete to delete a recording.
- Click on Save & Upload to save the recording and upload it to Kaltura My Media.
The recorded video files will be automatically saved in the following locations:
- Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\
- Mac: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Kaltura/Capture/
After the upload the recording will be available in My Media. You will be the only one able to see and play the recording. If you want students to see the recording, you will have to add it to your Brightspace course. Read the manual How do I add videos and other media to my course with Kaltura? for more information.
Adjust settings
- Click on Manage. You will navigate to the Library tab.
You can switch tabs on the left side of the screen. From top to bottom:
Library: here you will find all the videos you have recorded and saved in your account.
- Click Upload or Re-Upload to(re)upload the video to Kaltura My Media, so you can also view it in Brightspace. If the video does not become visible immediately, refresh the page - it might take a while before the video appears in Kaltura My Media.
- Click Delete to delete the locally saved video file.
- Settings: this page allows you to change the video settings (the quality of the camera, screen recording, and audio) and to choose the standard name for the recordings.
- Information: here you can find which version of Kaltura Capture is installed. You can also see which user is logged in, and log out.
- Click on New Recording to create a new recording.
After 12 hours you are automatically logged off and you will need to login to Kaltura Capture again via Brightspace.
Logging off
Please note: you will remain logged in to Kaltura Caption, even if you close Brightspace. If you opened and (automatically) logged in to Kaltura Capture on a public computer, such as in a lecture hall, you need to make sure to explicitly log off when leaving. Otherwise any recording the person after you makes will end up in your Kaltura Media.
You log off as follows:

- Navigate to the Manage screen.
- Click on (i).
- Click Sign Out to log off.