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How do I add videos and other media to my course with Kaltura?

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You can add media from Kaltura to the Content or the Course Gallery of your course:

  • In your course's Content you can add media to the corresponding course material.
  • When you use Kaltura Course Gallery the student has to use Activities to navigate to the Course Gallery and then search for the desired video.

Use Kaltura to add media to Course Content

  • Click Content in the navbar of your course.
  • Go to the desired (sub)module.
  1. Click Existing activities.
  2. Click Add Kaltura Media.

A pop up window appears.

3. Click the arrow on the right side of Select show the options.
4. Select the desired video format.

  • Your video is now visible under Content. The item has the title and time of the video as it's title. Under that the description is shown, if the video has one. You can change this if necessary. 

Please note: Is the video you want to add not visible? One reason could be that you are not the owner, but a co-publisher or co-editor. Kaltura automatically shows the videos you own (Media I Own). You can change the display to Media I Can Publish using Filters. 

Don't see the filter button? Enlarge the window by dragging the bottom right corner.

  • Click Activities in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Kaltura Course Gallery.
  1. Click Add Media.
  1. Check the box(es) of the video(s) you want to add.
  2. Click Publish.

Change view settings

You can change the way your media is shown in Content. Go to the (sub)module in which you placed your Kaltura media file and click on the file of which you want to change the settings.

  1. Click on the arrow next to No Completion Tracking to set up whether Brightspace has to show students that they viewed the video with Progress.
    • Click Required: Automatic if Brightspace should automatically note the progress of the students in their own progress report.
    • Click Required: Manual if students should manually check whether they have watched the video.
    • Click Not Required if the video is not required.
  2. Below Add dates and restrictions... you can add a Start Date, Due Date en End Date if you want the video to be accessible for only a predetermined amount of time. 
  3. Click on Update to save the changes.
  4. Select below Options whether the video could be a part of the ePortfolio.
  5. Click on Update to save the changes
  6. Select Published to make the video visible for students or Draft to make it invisible.
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