If you have added a video to your Brightspace course Content or in your Course Gallery, then this video will be marked as Published in Kaltura. If a video is published, it cannot be removed. This prevents the deleting of videos that are currently part of the coursr content. To remove a video you first have to make it Private, which means the video is no longer published.
- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Navigate to Kaltura My Media.
- Choose the Detailed View. You can then see for every video whether it is Published or Private.
- Select the video you want to make Private.
- Click Actions.
- Click Publish.

- Change the status of the video to Private.
- Below Published in: you will find an overview of all courses where the video has been added.
- Click Save.

- A notification will pop up asking if you really want to make the video Private. Click OK to verify.
After a video is made Private it is no longer visible in Brightspace. The video will still exist in Kaltura My Media. Read the manual How do I remove a video from Kaltura My Media? for information on removing a video from Kaltura.