This work instruction describes the actions that the Internal Supervisor should take in the role of First Assessor in the OSIRIS Case, in order to approve or reject the Internship application.
This work instruction has been written specifically for the faculty Medical Sciences.
Login to OSIRIS Lecturer
Go to click on the UMC redirect and log in with your Z-number and password. If you are already logged on to the Radboudumc network, you don't have to use your z-number and password again. OSIRIS works best in browser Chrome.
If you are unable to log in via the URL above, or you don’t see the screen below after logging in, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the information you don’t have access to OSIRIS Case for the Case Internship application. The OSIRIS administrators will take care of your authorization.

View outstanding Tasks
In the Case tab you will see the open Internship applications on which action of the internal supervisor is required. Choose First control.
- This screen shows the outstanding tasks for the internal supervisor. In this case: a student who has submitted an application for an internship.
- A separate line is created for each task. To view the internship application, click on the line of the task that requires your attention.
- Please do not click on agree until after you have reviewed the internship application.
Taking care of outstanding Tasks

1. Click on Internship application to view the Internship application. The internship application form appears and consists of two parts:
- Details (you see the information regarding location, start date, duration of the internship et cetera).
- Background (you see the Internship plan which is uploaded by the student).
Once you have viewed both items, please return to the previous screen by clicking on Cancel.
2. Subsequently, click on the form First control.

If you agree with the internship application, please select Yes (twice). Then click on Save.
When you do not agree with the Internship application, please select No (once or twice). Use the field Remarks to explain why you do not agree. Then click on Save.
Once you have clicked the Save button, the following screen will appear.

If the Internship application meets the requirements, click on Agree. The Internship application is now sent to the back office employee, who activates the next step in the process: linking a committee member to perform the second evaluation.
If the Internship application does not meet the requirements, click on Not OK - Reverse. The Internship application will be returned to the student. The student can modify the application and re-submit it. You will receive a new notification for approval.
You can follow the progress of the internship application via the tab Overview.

View completed Tasks
To view the file of a completed task, go back to the task screen and filter on My recently completed tasks