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How do I create a quiz?

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Create a Quiz

Use Quizzes to create assessments: you can create both formative and summative assessments and set them to be evaluated automatically.

  • Go to Activities in the navbar of your course. 
  • Click Quizzes. You will end up at the quiz homepage.  
  • Click New Quiz.
  1. Name the quiz.
  2. Choose whether to have the grade recorded in the gradebook. You have three options:
    • Not in Grade Book if you do not want to include the grade in the gradebook;
    • Add to Grade Book if you want to include it as a separate grade in the gradebook;
    • Edit or Link to Existing if you want to link the grade to an existing grade item in the gradebook.
  3. Do you want to include the grade in the gradebook? Then enter the maximum number of points students can get for this quiz here. Don't want the grade to be included in the gradebook? Then Grade Out Of will automatically show the total number of points for the questions.
  4. Choose a Due Date.
  5. Add a description if necessary.
  6. Here you can import existing questions.
  7. Here you can create new questions on the spot.

On the right-hand side, you will see four blocks. The first is Availability Dates & Conditions. Here you can add restrictions to your quiz. The second block is Timing & Display. Click on the arrow next to Timing & Display to open this tab.

  1. You can set a time limit here. To do so, enable Set time limit and enter the time limit below it.
  2. By default, the quiz attempt is handed in when a student reaches the time limit. Do you want to change that? Then click on Timer Settings. Here you can choose:
    • Automatically submit the quiz attempt if you want the quiz to be automatically submitted when the time limit is reached;
    • Flag as 'exceeded time limit' and allow the learner to continue working if you want the student to continue taking the quiz after the time is up, however, it will be marked as an attempt not completed within the time limit;
    • Do nothing: the time limit is not enforced if you want the time limit to be an indication only, however, with no further consequences.
    • Choose how many questions you want to display per page here.
  3. Enable Shuffle Quiz if you want the questions to be displayed in random order.
  4. Choose whether you want to allow hints (hints are created per question, however you can check here whether they are shown. This is useful when importing questions that may have hints attached to them.)
  5. Enable or disable Brightspace's email and instant messaging features when students create a quiz.
  6. You can enter any text for a header and/or footer here.

Click the arrow next to Attempts & Completion to open the third tab.

  1. Click Manage Attempts if you want students to be able to take the quiz more than once. You can specify here how many attempts are allowed and how the grade is calculated.
  2. If necessary, add the quiz to a category. On the quiz homepage, you can choose to sort quizzes by Availability or Category.
  3. Under Notification Email, enter an e-mail address if you want to receive notifications of completed quiz attempts (separate multiple addresses with a comma).

The fourth block is Evaluation & Feedback. Here you can set what students see when they submit a quiz. Check out this manual for more information on this.

Click Save or Save and Close to save your quiz.

Add questions

We recommend creating all questions in the question Library before you create a quiz. This enables you to import questions into your quiz quickly and easily. You can read about creating questions in the article How do I use the Question Library?

  • In the navbar, click Activities, then Quizzes and New Quiz or Edit Quiz behind an existing quiz.
  • You can add existing or new questions here.

Import questions

  1. Click Add Existing to import existing questions.
  2. Choose Upload a File to import files from your computer. Click Browse files or use drag-and-drop function (Note: Only csv and zip files are possible. Check out the template CSV to see how to formulate the questions to import them correctly).
  3. Choose Browse Question Library to import existing questions or entire sections from your course's question library to this quiz.

In the question library, you can select and add questions. Use the search and filter options to quickly find the questions you want.

  1. Search for a question or section by title or text.
  2. Select which collection you want to search. This way you quickly import questions from another quiz.
  3. Filter questions by question type.
  4. Sort questions by type, title/text or number of points awarded.
  5. Select the desired questions or section.
  6. Click the arrow next to Import and choose whether to add the questions to the top of the quiz, to the bottom of the quiz or to a specific section. If you just click Import, the questions will automatically be added to the bottom of the quiz.

Create new questions

  1. Click Create New.
  2. You can create a new question here on the spot. To do so, click New Question and take a look at the manual How to use the Question Library?
  3. You can also create a new folder (Section). Take another look at the manual How to use the Question Library?
  4. The Question Pool option allows you to select a number of questions. Students are then randomly given a number of questions from this pool.

You cannot create new questions when creating a question pool. Make sure you already have the questions you want to use in the question pool in the question library.

Question Pool

  • Click Add.
  • Click Question Pool.


  1. Give the pool a title.
  2. Enter how many questions students get out of the total number of questions in the pool.
  3. Enter how many points each question is worth.
  4. Click Browse Question Library to select questions.
  1. Questions you have already added to the quiz outside the pool cannot also be added to the pool. These questions have a green check mark.
  2. Select the questions you want to add to the pool.
  3. Click Import.
  • The questions have been added. The right-hand column shows an example of the number of randomly selected questions as a student may see them.
  • Click Save.

After adding the questions, you will be shown an overview of the quiz questions and sections.

  • Click Preview to see what the quiz will look like for students.

Edit a quiz

If you want to edit a quiz, you can do so via the quiz homepage. Go to Activities in your navbar. Click Quizzes. Click the arrow behind the quiz you want to edit. Click Edit. This will take you to the same environment as when you want to create a quiz. Here you can edit the quiz.

You can manage quiz accessibility for students via Availability Dates & Conditions. To do so, read the manual How do I set restrictions for a quiz?

Give students easy access to the quiz by adding it to the course content page.

Bonus and mandatory questions

You can add bonus questions to your quiz. The student will then see (Bonus) next to the question. These questions are optional. This means that a student can score points if points have been awarded to the question, but that students will not be deducted points if they do not answer the question or answer it incorrectly. Students can therefore also obtain the maximum number of points of the quiz without answering the bonus question (correctly).  

You can also set a question to be mandatory. Then the student will not be able to complete the quiz without answering this question.  

You can change these settings via Edit Quiz

  1. Select the questions that you want to make into a bonus or mandatory question.
  2. Click More Actions.
  3. Click Toggle Bonus for a bonus question and Toggle Mandatory for a mandatory question.
  4. Do you want to undo this? Click Toggle Bonus/Toggle Mandatory again.

Edit or delete questions and order

  1. Click the question to edit the question.
  2. Select a question and:
    • Click Move To to move it to Top of the Quiz, Bottom of the Quiz or to a section.
    • Click More Actions to delete the question (Delete) or change the amount of points (Set Points).  

Click Save to save your edits,

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