When you are evaluating an assignment, you can do so with the help of a rubric and/or a grade item: grade items represent the course items that you would like to evaluate in the grade book. By attaching a grade item to an assignment, you can let Brightspace calculate and register the final grade for you.
- Read the article How do I create a grade item? if you are unfamiliar with grade items and want to learn how to create a grade item.
- Read more about the assessment of an assignment in the article How do I assess an assignment? (grade item, rubric)?
Attaching a grade item to an assignment
- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Assignments.

- Go to the overview and find the assignment you want to link the grade item to. Click the arrow.
- Click Edit Assignment.
- If you have not yet created an assignment, click New Assignment to create one.
In both cases you will be navigated to the Properties tab belonging to the created assignment.

- Click Ungraded to open the other Grade options.

- Below Grade Out Of, enter the highest grade a student can achieve, for example a 10.
- You can choose between different Grade options in the drop-down menu:
- Edit or Link to Existing: Linking an existing grade item. A window will open where all created grade items are listed. If you want to create a new grade item on the spot, you have to click Create and Link to New Grade Item (and go over the same steps as you would when you create grade items from Grades).
- Not in Gradebook: Enter a grade to score the assignment, but no grade item will be created.
- Reset to Ungraded: The assignment will not be graded.
Click Save and Close.
Please note: If a grade is entered for Grade Out Of, but no choice is made in the menu, then Brightspace will automatically create a Grade Item (without a Category).
Only a grade item of the numeric and selectbox type can be linked to an activity. Keep in mind that the activity and grade item must have the same amount of maximum points.
When a grade item has already been attached to another activity, it will no longer show up as an option in the drop-down menu.

- In the overview of the Assignments you can see by the rosette icon whether or not an assignment is attached to a grade item. Hover over the rosette icon with your mouse to see which item is attached to the assignment.
Attaching a rubric to an assignment
You can evaluate an assignment with the use of a rubric, by attaching a rubric to an assignment.
- On the Assignments homepage, search for the assignment you want to attach a rubric to and click the arrow.
- Click Edit Assignment.
- In case you have not created an assignment yet, click New Assignment to create one now.

- Click the tab Evaluation & Feedback to fold out the tab.
- Click Add Rubric to add one (or more) existing rubric(s).
- Click Create New to create a new rubric.
- Click Add Existing to add an existing rubric.
Click Save and Close.
- Read more about using a rubric to assess an assignment in the article How do I assess an assignment? (grade item, rubric)?
- Read more about creating rubrics in the article How do I create a rubric?